Xynexis supports major industries and agencies to secure their IT Systems
Businesses and government agencies are increasingly reliant on interconnected systems to offer best services for their stakeholders. Xynexis fluent with local regulation and industry standard.
Our solution always fit with the customer and regulation requirements.

Financial Services
Everyday, financial service organizations, such as banks, insurance companies, stock broker agencies, and payment processors are handling enormous transactions and fund, important data, and personal information. The industry is subjected to heavy regulations and regular examinations, operates under complex IT environments with limited resources, while at the same time come under significant external/internal threats that could result in theft, data exposure and regulatory scrutiny.
Every mishap potentially causes significant damages, from substantial financial loss, service disruption, to lost of customer trust. Organizations need captive preventive safeguards as well as quick and accurate incident responses.
Xynexis has gain reputation for our expertise in this field. We have worked with Indonesia’s major banks and large financial institutions and agencies to provide the relevant services.

Telecommunication is a growing and increasingly competitive industry in Indonesia. To stay ahead of competition, companies must deliver undisturbed excellent service with latest technology at lowest possible cost. They must also ensure the confidentiality of their customer information.
However, the IT of telecommunication companies are notoriously operating under diverse threatscape, from internal rough employees to external malicious hacking attacks. This require them to build prudent IT process and strategies to identify and manage risk without sacrificing their level of service and business interest. It is not only about technological security, but starts from appropriate policies and well-trained risk-conscious human resource.
Xynesis’ specialists can help identifying the requirements, assess current systems and frameworks, and identifying the vulnerabilities, and recommend preventive and corrective action plans.
If a security breach is underway or has occurred, Xynexis assist companies to respond quickly and correctly to mitigate damage, and to source the root causes to prevent similar incident from reoccurring.
The operations face array of IT security challenges which can be simplified by Xynexis’ experts offering IT and security consulting services.

Government & NGOs
Government agencies are increasingly reliant on information technology systems to provide essential services for the public, from tax collection, education book sharing, to personal identity card database and provision. Information technology has improved government information processing and communication, which is enjoyed by the public in the form of improved services.
However, the benefit of government operations – speed of processing and access to information – also increase the risks of data intrusion to sensitive information, fraud, and disruption.
Poor security of information system and management expose sensitive information to inadvertent user errors and malicious actions and that may cause huge financial loss and compromise national security.
As such Government agencies and NGOs need to identify their information security risks and ensure appropriate controls are in place to protect the information assets of stakeholders.
Xynexis has the in-depth expertise and extensive experience in security for government sector to provide the following services.

Manufacturing industry is very diverse in products, production stages, and business spread. Despite the type of products, most manufacturers have been using some form of IT systems in their operation. They are all facing similar IT security and risk management challenges to maintain smooth production and safeguards information.
Internally, companies rely on IT system for optimizing communication and operation, but facing threats such as user errors and rough employees.
Externally, companies are using web space to introduce their products to wider markets. However, websites defacements, denial of services, credit card and identity theft are just a few attacks that businesses are regularly exposed to.
Xynexis’ experts can help manufacturers address these challenges through our relevant services.

Oil & Gas
Oil and gas industry is one of the main industry in Indonesia and one of the main contributor to national welfare and State Income. This explains the extend and reach of this industry, which covers from upstream to down-stream processes involving thousands of processes and thousands of workers. This industry involve trillions of rupiah involving millions of customers.
Maintaining and improving security assurance and risk management for such broad-operation companies is unique difficult task, especially considering the geographic distribution and location, and diverse processes.
The companies are facing risk of security breach for data, cyber and email risks and thread, industry-specific threats, espionage, and business competitiveness threads.
It’s a complex task that requires an in-depth understanding of the industry, and the expertise to deliver key services and advice to clients in this sector. Xynexis deliver the following relevant services to address these threats.

Businesses are now serving customers in various geographical locations, often requiring goods to be shipped cross region and cross countries. Logistics companies, competing in efficiency, have adopted information technology systems to optimize their operations. System to track goods, to perform administrative duties, to provide online services are standard business operational functions.
These systems enhance services; however the interconnection and data sharing poses IT challenges, from security of company and customer data, disruption of service, cyber attack, website defacement, credit card and identity theft, and many more.
Companies need to put up appropriate controls and security measures to their infrastructure to ensure integrity and availability of the company’s service. Xynexis is ready to help companies address these challenges through our relevant services:
What We Believe In

We build trust in our staff and our clients, bridging gaps and forming professional, service-oriented teams.

Human Development
By maintaining state-of-the-art knowledge and processes, we are in a unique position to lead and train security teams in Indonesia and across Asia.

Total Quality
We strive to consistently improve our services, our people, our processes, and our communications with partners.
Our Qualifications

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